
What are the situations that demands root canal therapy?

How can you know if you need a dental filling or a root canal? What are the most evident indicators you need a root canal and can’t avoid?

Well, root canal therapy in Canada is very commonWith over 15 million root canals performed each year, you’re not alone if your dentist suggests a root canal procedure.

Do you have root canal pain and discomfort in your mouth? When should you get a root canal? 

Before we jump into the indications that you require a root canal, let us get into the basics first.

What Exactly Is a Root Canal?

A root canal operation is used to remove the inflamed or infected pulp from the inside of a tooth. A root canal is an endodontic treatment; endo means “within,” and odont means “tooth” in Greek.

Endodontic therapy will be performed to remove the unhealthy pulp, clean the root canal, and fill and seal the area. Your dentist will place a crown or other repair to safeguard the tooth when the root canal is completed.

It is critical to treat the root canal infection since it might spread and cause health problems outside of your mouth. 

But how do you know about the need for a root canal? Here are some symptoms that can hint you to go for a check-up.

  • Extreme discomfort while eating
  • Excessive pressure on a tooth
  • Temperature sensitivity that is not consistent (hot, cold food, beverages or even weather)
  • Tenderness or swelling of the gums
  • Darkening of the teeth’s hues
  • General tooth discomfort that is not alleviated by over-the-counter medications

These are the basic signs which indicate the need for root canal therapyFrom child to adult, anyone can feel such symptoms. Let’s elaborate on when you should get root canal treatment because sometimes temperature sensitivity or little pain can be cured by a dental filling.

Situations that demand root canal therapy


Decay is the most common reason patients require root canals. A cavity can enter your pulp chamber or nerve if it grows large enough. When bacteria penetrate this chamber, it produces pain and, in certain cases, infection.

A dental filling can cure the initial level of decay, but deeper caries needs root canal treatment. In children also, deeper decay needs root canal therapy. Deep decay causes severe pain. Thus, a root canal is required to save the tooth and alleviate discomfort.


If your tooth cracks or breaks, you may require a root canal. Trauma to your tooth can potentially expose your pulp chamber, injure your nerve, and cause pain.

A chipped or broken tooth is a two-pronged indicator that the tooth may require a root canal. For example, there could have been trauma to the tooth that caused the chip or crack, resulting in the inflamed or infected pulp. Second, the tooth may be so decaying or infected that it is cracked or chipped because it is dead. You’ll almost certainly need a root canal to save the rest of the tooth in both cases.

Swollen gums

If your gums are inflamed, this could indicate an infected tooth. This is distinct from having sore gums after flossing or brushing too aggressively. The swollen gums can be uncomfortable and painful to touch and. If you see any bumps on your gums, it could be an indication of an infected tooth that requires a root canal therapy.

Severe Pain

If you experience sudden pain like a wave, you may have an infected or dead tooth that requires a root canal. You should visit the dentist for any discomfort in your mouth while chewing hard or soft food.

Also, if you feel any pain pr heaviness while changing posture, it is a sign of a root canal. Is there pressure on your teeth and face when you lie down or bend down? This could result from severe decay, which needs a root canal.

Intentional root canal

Sometimes when teeth are too attired and need crown restoration, at that time, intentional RCT is done. In some cases of partial denture procedures, supporting teeth are being treated for a better prognosis.

Such types of situations demand root canal treatment. If you have any symptoms mentioned above, visit the dentist for the root canal in Calgary.

Who performs the root canal procedure?

The dentist usually performs root canal therapy in Canada. If the case is complicated or a more advanced technique is required, your dentist may refer you to an endodontist. An endodontist is a dentist who has finished a post-graduate specialization degree in endodontics. Endodontics is a dental specialty focused on treating the tooth’s dental pulp or nerve.

If your child’s primary (baby) tooth is injured, your dentist may recommend you to a pediatric dentist for this operation. A pediatric dentist has completed at least two years of additional university training in treating children.

How is a root canal procedure performed?

After the consultation and radiographical examination, your dentist will give you an appointment for root canal treatment.

On the day of treatment, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the operating area.

Then, the dentist will apply a rubber dam around the tooth to protect it from bacteria in your saliva during the treatment. The dentist makes a hole in the tooth to access the root canal system and injured pulp. The pulp is removed by cleaning and expanding the root canal system with very fine dental equipment.

Once all infection is cleared, the dentist fills and plugs the canal. The tooth opening is subsequently filled with either a temporary or permanent filling.

The root canal treatment is finished with crown placement. Crown or cover is provided to root canal-treated teeth for protection and longevity of the tooth.

Benefits of saving the tooth:

Root canal therapy in Canada is considered painful; thus, many people opt for extraction rather than saving a tooth. However, we want to inform you that root canal therapy is practically painless and frequently causes less difficulty throughout recovery than pulling your original tooth. Patients with root canals are six times more likely to describe them as painless than patients who have a tooth pulled, thanks to contemporary technology and adequate anesthesia.

There are numerous clinical reasons why root canal treatment is required, but countless practical reasons why preserving the original tooth is sensible. Endodontic therapy help to keep your smile natural, consume the foods you enjoy and reduce the need for ongoing dental care. Most root canal-treated teeth can last a lifetime if properly cared for.

Here are the benefits of a root canal over-extraction:

  • Root canal therapy is practically painless and frequently causes less difficulty throughout recovery than having your original tooth pulled. 
  • Efficient and low-cost: Because of the number of follow-up appointments required for a denture, implant, tooth extraction may take longer than root canal therapy; also, the cost may be higher. Most dental insurance policies typically cover endodontic treatment.
  • Visually Appealing Outcome: Crowns not only function like real teeth, but they also look beautiful. With root canal therapy, you may restore your smile and laugh again.

Recovery after Root canal treatment:

When the anesthesia wears off following the surgery, some discomfort may be felt during recovery. This is especially true if swelling or inflammation is present at the start. Often, the soreness is little and goes away in a few days. Over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen help relieve post-root canal discomfort (Tylenol).

Teeth with root canals are more fragile and prone to chipping or fracturing. As a result, a dental crown is required to appropriately preserve these teeth that are subjected to strong biting forces. This is especially true for the posterior teeth (bicuspids and molars) in the back of the mouth. Anterior teeth (incisors and canines) in the front of the mouth do not resist the same biting pressures and do not usually require reinforcing with a dental crown.

Recovery after the root canal treatment is fast and smooth. Thus, no need to worry if you have any symptoms and need root canal treatment. It is as easy as wearing a new shoe. The way new shoe gives discomfort for a few days, treated teeth also feel weird but will act like regular ones with time.


The pulp and root of your tooth might become inflamed and painful if it becomes infected. See your dentist right away if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.

The fact is that keeping a broken tooth or teeth is far more painful than having a root canal done. The vast majority of patients report no discomfort at all. After the anesthesia wears off, you may have some mild pains and sensitivities, but they will go away in a few weeks.

Although many people are afraid of the word “root canal,” dental surgery does not cause any unique discomfort. After therapy, almost everyone reports feeling better immediately.

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