
5 Common Causes Why Dental Bridges Fails and How to Prevent Them

5 Common Causes Why Dental Bridges Fails and How to Prevent Them

Dental bridges have been a popular solution for tooth replacement and improving oral health. However, it’s crucial to note that they are not invulnerable to potential issues like other dental restorations. You can take care of your dental bridges, but the treatment can fail for many reasons. 

Understanding these challenges and taking the right steps to avoid them can be a great start. This ensures the longevity and success of your dental bridge, keeping your smile bright and healthy for years to come. 

This article will enlighten you on the five common causes of dental bridge failures and provide practical prevention and maintenance strategies.

Poor Dental Bridge Design

The dental bridge may sometimes fail due to a poorly designed structure. The bridge may not adequately distribute the forces exerted during biting and chewing, leading to premature wear, fracture, or loosening of the bridge. Poor dental bridge design can contribute to dental bridges’ failure in various ways. 

In addition to the inadequate distribution of forces during biting and chewing, other factors that can lead to bridge failure include an improper selection of materials, inaccurate impressions, insufficient abutment support, and poor occlusion management.

Prevention: Working with a skilled and experienced dentist is crucial to prevent dental bridge fail due to poor design. They should thoroughly assess your dental structure and create a well-designed dental bridge that effectively distributes forces and provides long-term stability.

Inadequate Support

A dental bridge relies on the support of adjacent teeth, which serve as abutments. If these abutment teeth are weak or compromised, the bridge may fail to provide the necessary support, leading to instability, movement, or detachment.

Dental bridges rely on a strong foundation to maintain their functionality, appearance, and longevity. Proper support is necessary to maintain the integrity of the dental bridge, leading to a range of problems.

Prevention: Regular dental checkups can help identify and address any potential issues with the abutment teeth. Our Dentist in Calgary can recommend treatments to strengthen these teeth or suggest alternative restorations, such as getting a dental implant in Calgary if the support is inadequate.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene can lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease, all of which can compromise the integrity of a dental bridge. Poor oral hygiene is a significant contributor to the failure of dental bridges. Dental bridges are essential for patients with missing teeth, as they restore function and aesthetics and maintain the integrity of the adjacent teeth. 

However, when poor oral hygiene is not addressed, it can lead to complications that may compromise the longevity and success of dental bridges.

Prevention: Maintain good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. This will help prevent plaque buildup and the development of oral health issues that could jeopardize your dental bridge.

Improper Bite Alignment 

A dental bridge not aligning properly with the opposing teeth can cause uneven pressure and stress, leading to failure over time. Improper bite alignment, also known as malocclusion, can significantly contribute to the failure of dental bridges. When the upper and lower teeth do not fit together correctly, it leads to uneven distribution of bite forces across the dental bridge, causing excessive stress on the supporting teeth and underlying structures. 

Over time, this constant pressure can result in loosening, cracking, or even fracturing of the bridge, ultimately causing its failure. Malocclusion can also increase the risk of gum disease and tooth decay around the bridge, compromising its stability and longevity.

Prevention: A skilled dentist should ensure the dental bridge is properly aligned during the initial fitting. If you experience discomfort or difficulty with your bite after receiving a dental bridge, consult your dentist immediately for assessment and possible adjustments.

Material Degradation

Over time, the materials used in dental bridges can degrade or wear down. This can cause the bridge to become weaker and eventually lead to dental bridges failure. Material degradation can also lead to dental bridge failure by compromising the structural integrity and longevity of the prosthesis. 

Factors such as corrosion, wear, fatigue, and the breakdown of the dental cement used to affix the bridge can weaken its overall performance. In addition, the oral environment, characterized by temperature fluctuations, salivary enzymes, and fluctuating pH levels, can exacerbate the degradation process. This gradual deterioration may ultimately result in dental bridge failure, causing discomfort and functional issues and necessitating further dental intervention.

Prevention: Regular dental checkups will allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your dental bridge and recommend any necessary maintenance or replacement. Also, avoid habits that can stress your bridge, such as clenching or grinding your teeth and biting hard objects.

Insufficient Cementation

Dental bridges are typically cemented onto the abutment teeth to provide a secure and stable connection. However, insufficient cementation can lead to loosening or detachment of the bridge over time. 

Poor cementation in dental bridges can lead to failure by compromising the stability and overall integrity of the prosthesis. When the cement used to bond the bridge to the abutment teeth is inadequate, it creates weak points that can cause microleakage, allowing bacteria to infiltrate and promote decay. 

Additionally, this weakened bond may result in dislodgement or complete debonding of the bridge, ultimately leading to discomfort, functional issues, and the need for further treatment or replacement.

Prevention: Ensure your dentist uses high-quality dental cement and follows proper cementation techniques to create a strong bond between the bridge and abutment teeth. If you notice any signs of looseness, contact your dentist for an evaluation and possible re-cementation.


In conclusion, understanding the common causes of dental bridge failure is crucial in preventing complications and ensuring long-lasting oral health. By addressing factors such as poor dental hygiene, improper bridge fitting, weak abutment teeth, bruxism, and inadequate dental visits, patients can minimize the risk of bridge failure and enjoy a healthy smile. If you are considering a dental bridge or need expert care for an existing one, The Port Dental Clinic in Calgary is here to help. 
Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality treatments and ensuring the success of your dental bridges. Don’t leave your oral health to chance; contact The Port Dental Clinic in Calgary today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference that expert care can make.

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