
Answered: Common Questions About Dental Bridges

Common Questions About Dental Bridges

Getting your dental bridges for the first time can be a little scary. You get thousands of questions in your mind with little idea about where to find answers for them.

In this article, we answer some of the most common questions related to dental bridges. They are sure to help you cope with the stress of visiting a clinic for a dental bridge procedure like a dental bridge front teeth procedure.

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Common Questions About Dental Bridges And Their Answers

Once you have reviewed the questions and their answers, you will find it easier to approach a clinic for your dental bridge treatment in Calgary.

What Is A Dental Bridge?

It is a common occurrence for some people to miss their natural teeth. This can happen for many reasons. However, they need to be filled for the person to get his or her oral surroundings back to normal.

This is done by placing pontics, also known as artificial teeth, in place of the missing teeth. This gap that is filled between the existing natural teeth is called a Dental Bridge.

Does Everyone Need A Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is recommended only to those who have a missing tooth, or missing teeth. Dentists majorly prescribe dental bridge front teeth if the front teeth are missing.

You would only be required to have healthy teeth on either side of the missing tooth. The tooth goes missing because it has decayed. It could also be due to a congenital condition. You may not need a dental bridge if the dentist doesn’t recommend it to you.

Why Should I Opt For A Dental Bridge?

A missing tooth causes many problems. The most generic ones include misplacement of the teeth around the missing tooth and teeth from the opposite jaw moving up or down. You may, therefore, also need dental bridge front teeth urgently.

Additionally, you may notice more problems while biting and chewing your food. A missing tooth leads to a lot of pain. Opting for a dental bridge basically gives you an artificial tooth and brings everything back to normal.

What Are The Important Components Of A Dental Bridge?

Two components are important for a dental bridge, including dental bridge front teeth. These are abutment teeth and pontics. Both of them are easy to understand.

Abutment teeth are those that support the crown to hold your fake tooth. These teeth are generally your natural teeth. In exceptional cases, they may be those teeth that have been implanted earlier in your life. Pontics are the artificial teeth that are prepared and cemented in place of the missing teeth.

How Many Types Of Dental Bridges Are There?

Dental bridges are of four types. The best fit is recommended by a dentist after studying the requirement. This directly affects the price of a dental bridge.

The first type is Traditional Fixed Bridge. It consists of two or more crowns to keep the bridge steadily attached. The second type is Cantilever Bridge. This is prescribed when a patient has only one abutment tooth available. The third type is Maryland Dental Bridge. This is specifically a dental bridge front teeth for those who have missing front teeth. The final one is Implant Supported Bridge, wherein the crown is supported by implants.

Is There Any Other Option For Those Who Don’t Want A Dental Bridge?

You can opt-out of the process of a dental bridge. The existing alternatives are getting Partial Dentures and Dental implants.

Many people opt for Partial Dentures. These are artificial teeth that can be removed at any time for cleaning purposes. You can consider this option instead of dental bridge front teeth. Another alternative is to get the fake tooth placed in your jaw surgically through a dentist. While you can always choose what suits you, a dentist in Calgary would better recommend you a suitable alternative.

Who Needs Dental Implants?

Patients prefer to go with dental implants if their jaw misses the abutment teeth. Since the implants don’t require support, they can be placed easily without having to worry about other teeth.

Dental implants are created at a dental lab. A dentist first takes an impression of your jaw and then sends it to the lab where a model is created. Once done, the surgeon cements it in the required place. Dental implants are known to get integrated with the natural teeth with time.

Is It Common To Have A Dental Bridge?

Yes, it is common to have a dental bridge. More than that, it is common to have dental bridge front teeth. People can lose teeth for a variety of reasons.

It includes injuries, improper care of oral hygiene, and disturbed diet. There should not be any shame in admitting that you have got a missing tooth. You can flaunt it to highlight that you have overcome something ‘interesting’ in your life.

How Many Appointments Are Needed To Be Scheduled For Dental Bridges?

You would be required to schedule two different appointments for a dental bridge procedure. The same applies to dental bridge front teeth.

In the first appointment, the dentist examines the condition and reshapes the abutment teeth. He or she removes a part of enamel and dentin. This is followed by the dentist taking an impression of your jaws to be sent to the dental lab. You would be provided with the placement of a temporary dental bridge. In the second appointment, the dentist places the permanent dental bridge after removing the one that was placed temporarily.

Is There Any Advantage Of A Dental Bridge?

There are many advantages of a dental bridge. Some of them include bringing your old smile back on your face and helping you to bite your food normally again.

Additional advantages include preventing the natural teeth from moving from their original position. You may be having trouble with speaking if your front tooth is missing. In this case, dental bridge front teeth come to the rescue.

What Are Some Of The Risks And Complications Involved In Dental Bridges?

Arousal of a risk or a complication is a rare occurrence in a dental bridge. It happens only if the abutment teeth begin to decay or if the pontics were not cemented properly.

Dental Bridges can be attached again only if the abutment teeth are still in a healthy condition. Provided that every possible care is taken by the patient, dental bridges can last for many years after they have been fixed.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

They are known to last for 5-7 years after they have been cemented. This timeline would be an indication that it is easier for them to last for such a long time.

You are required to take utmost care of them. Visit a dentist in Calgary regularly for a professional cleaning. This will also keep your oral hygiene in a good condition. The life of dental bridges can be extended beyond 7 years by taking all the recommended precautionary measures.

Is It Comfortable To Eat With A Dental Bridge?

You would find it more comforting to eat with a dental bridge. Consuming your food items with a missing tooth takes away the real joy. You instead end up feeling a lot of pain.

With a dental bridge, you can chew your food like you would if you still had the tooth. You may be recommended to start with a soft food item after getting a dental bridge. If you have got dental bridge front teeth then switch to consuming food with small pieces.

Does A Dental Bridge Change Our Speaking Style?

It improves your speaking style rather than changing it. With dental bridge front teeth, you better pronounce a lot of alphabets and words.

You feel more confident while speaking in front of a huge gathering. You know that no one is judging you for missing a tooth. Other teeth can go unnoticed but the front tooth is noticed by everyone.

Any Tips To Care For A Dental Bridge?

Professionals prescribe to brush at least two times every day after you have got a dental bridge. You must floss daily to complement your efforts of brushing your teeth.

Consider changing your diet to consume more fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Talk to your dentist and know how frequently you must get your teeth cleaned professionally.

How Much Does A Dental Bridge Cost?

The cost of a dental bridge varies depending on the types of dental bridge you opt for, or the ones that are prescribed to you by your dentist.

It also depends on how much your insurance plan covers it. Generally, some portion of the dental expenses is covered by the insurance providers. This reduces the amount that you have to pay on the spot.

Final Words

Consider visiting your dentist in Calgary if you notice something uncomfortable. Schedule an emergency visit if you feel an allergic reaction to the dental bridge.

Don’t hesitate if you are due for the procedure. Talk to your dentist for the best recommendations and you will be all set for days to come.

Also Read Why Are Regular Visits to Your Dentist Crucial to Your Oral Health?

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