
How To Take Care of Your Dental Bridges: A Starter Guide

How To Take Care of Your Dental Bridges: A Starter Guide

Single or multiple missing teeth might make your smile look less attractive. Unfortunately, the holes in your mouth also negatively affect your dental hygiene and the rest of your body.

After going for a while without teeth, a dental bridge can restore your mouth’s sense of completeness. Your other teeth may not move while the bridge is in place. Follow the procedure to get dental bridges and then take care of them to ensure they last very long. If not, you risk needing more dental appointments to fix or replace the bridge.

Defining dental bridges 

A dental bridge might be effective if you’re trying to replace one or more missing teeth. Fixed bridges and fixed dental prostheses are other names for dental bridges. They are utilized to fill one or more tooth gaps. To keep artificial teeth anchored in the mouth, they are sandwiched between two crowns linked to the natural teeth or a dental implant.

Types of dental bridges 

Traditional bridges

A traditional bridge is employed when there are healthy, natural teeth on either side of the bridge. The teeth on each side of the gap are made ready for crowns, and your teeth serve as anchors for the bridge component, making it a permanent part of your smile.

Resin-bonded bridges 

Maryland bridges are another name for resin-bonded bridges. The front teeth are usually replaced with this kind of bridge. The artificial teeth are inserted into the space and joined to a framework secured to the sides’ natural teeth backs.

Implant-supported bridges 

An implant-supported bridge may be an option if you have a big gap in your mouth but no teeth to anchor it to. In this instance, the bridge will be linked to the implants, which will be positioned on either side of the gap. 

A titanium root is inserted into the jaw as a dental implant. It may not be an option for everyone since it calls for a strong jawline and healthy gums.

Cantilever bridge 

Similar to conventional crowns, cantilever bridges only have one natural tooth to which they are attached. This kind of bridge may be utilized if a healthy tooth supports a crown on one side of the missing tooth (or teeth).

Here’s how you can take care of your dental bridges 

Following the definitive cementing of the dental bridge nearby, you can grin confidently and use your mouth as you once did when you had natural teeth. However, adhering to a few simple rules can keep your new repair looking and feeling wonderful for years. Here are some pointers for maintaining your dental bridge.

Avoid complex food consumption 

Your dental bridge may loose if you eat raw veggies or bite on ice. Therefore, chewing on certain items is prohibited. These things can weaken the framework of your dental bridge, necessitating replacements.

Proper dental hygiene 

Maintaining good oral hygiene prevents hazardous chemicals like dental plaque and tartar from building and helps prevent bacteria from growing. Without the assistance of a dentist, removing tartar can be difficult. Additionally, if you don’t remove plaque and tartar, you develop gingivitis, slowly developing into periodontal disease and resulting in additional tooth loss. 

Using a toothbrush made for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of the mouth and fluoride toothpaste twice a day for two minutes each, you can prevent the development of plaque and tartar.

You must floss every day, regardless of the time, to maintain excellent dental hygiene—flossing aids in removing plaque and food particles stuck between your teeth. However, be cautious when flossing right away following the placement of your dental bridge. You discover that using dental floss makes it simpler to remove the dental bridge while you’re still healing from the treatment.

Clean the bridge

If your bridge can be removed, this is a crucial step in the maintenance procedure. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles or a denture brush. Regular toothpaste should not be used since it may be overly abrasive. It’s okay to use a denture cleanser. Use cool water; avoid using hot or cold water. Hot water can deform the removable bridge, necessitating replacement. If it has metal attachments, avoid soaking it overnight because doing so could cause it to rust.

You must pay attention to the crucial requirement of cleaning under the bridge. After brushing and flossing, you need to clean out the area between your bridge and your gums of any food particles. Use dental picks, interproximal brushes, or floss threaders to accomplish this purpose. However, if you require assistance, you can ask your dentist or hygienist for product recommendations to help you achieve your objective.

Routine dental check-ups

Everyone needs to have regular check-ups and cleanings. These procedures are much more crucial if you have a dental bridge or another repair. Most patients gain from twice-yearly sessions. Your dentist could advise more frequent visits if you are prone to gum disease, tooth decay, or other dental problems.

Things to look out for 

An effective strategy to lengthen the life of your dental bridge is to keep it clean and well-maintained. There are a few issues to watch out for when maintaining your bridge. 

If you notice that your bridge is becoming less secure, it may be because the cement holding the supports to your natural teeth has worn away. Contact your dentist as soon as you discover that your bridge is sagging. Re-cementing it might be the simplest solution. 

Tooth decay or gum disease in the mouth’s surrounding the bridge are two additional problems that could affect your bridge. Maintaining good dental hygiene is crucial to maintaining your bridge in good functioning order.


Dental bridges in Calgary may be the solution for lost teeth if you want to improve their beauty and function. You can experience a slight sensitivity to hot or cold food or beverages in the first few days after having your dental bridge. To gain advice on things that can help minimize this symptom, speak with your dentist.

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