
Understanding dental implants: How they work and what are the benefits?

Understanding dental implants: How they work and what are the benefits?

When teeth are missing, whether naturally (because the tooth did not develop) or because they were pulled for various reasons, you are probably seeking solutions to replace your teeth. Dentures, complete or partial, have long been the preferred option since they nearly resemble real teeth. 

Bridges are also frequently utilized because they may readily fit into spaces in your mouth where a single tooth may be missing. Bridges frequently mimic natural teeth, much like dentures do. However, several drawbacks to bridges and dentures frequently lead dental patients needing replacement teeth to search for other options.

Permanent dental implant in Calgary  is frequently seen as viable substitutes for dentures or bridges. Dental implants can replace your single tooth or numerous teeth or act as a support for dentures, among other things. What exactly are dental implants, then? In this blog, you’ll find answers to some of the FAQs concerning dental implants, including information on what they are, how they function, and any possible issues or negative effects you should be aware of.

Defining dental implants

A dental implant is an advanced replacement tooth that resembles the whole tooth structure. A crown, bridge, or denture is supported by a tightly implanted titanium root placed in the bone. If taken care of properly, it may last a lifetime and behave, feel, and appear like a natural tooth.

Types of dental implants 

Endosteal implants

Direct surgical implantation of this kind of implant into the patient’s jawbone. A second procedure must attach a post to the original implant once the gum tissue has healed. The last step will require attaching a prosthetic tooth to the post alone or in a group on a bridge or denture.

Subperiosteal implants

The metal frame of this kind of dental implant is positioned on the patient’s jawbone, slightly below the gum line. The frame is fastened to the jawbone once the gums have healed. The posts holding the frame together will stick out through the gums. Prosthetic teeth may be attached to those posts in a manner similar to endosteal dental implants.

How does a dental implant work?

Dentists advise patients to only have oral surgery for dental implants if they have healthy gums and a solid bone foundation. The process starts with placing a titanium base in the area that the natural tooth had previously occupied. After that is complete, the gums and bone are given time to recover so that the implant has a solid base (akin to a plant and root). Sedation is used during this procedure to lessen the discomfort.

The implant, as mentioned above, is connected via a connection in the second stage of surgery. The ceramic crown would then be mounted via the connection.

You must see your dentist frequently if the processes have been completed. The effectiveness of the implant depends on maintaining good dental hygiene and listening to the dentist’s recommendations. 

Choosing the right dentist and implantologist is important since placing dental implants is expensive and requires a particular degree of knowledge and experience. There are some things to consider before getting dental implants that you need to heed. 

Advantages of dental implants

Implants are versatile 

Bridges, partial dentures, and complete dentures can only replace a certain number of teeth. Consequently, depending on how many of your teeth have been lost, your treatment options may be quite restricted. However, implants are a very adaptable form of therapy. A single tooth can be replaced by a crown, a bridge or partial denture can replace several teeth, and all of your teeth can be replaced by a full set of dentures. As a result, you may create the ideal treatment plan with your dentist.

Prevents bone loss

When teeth are lost, your jaw’s bone density also frequently decreases. To keep its bulk, the jawbone requires stimulation, which it receives when your teeth erupt. The only tooth replacement method that also restores the stimulation of the jaw bone, such as dental implants, aids in preventing bone loss.

Awards comfort

Dental implants are surgically inserted into your jawbone to replicate a tooth’s root and offer the prosthetic more strength and support. Your jawbone develops around the titanium rod in your jaw throughout the healing process, strengthening its grip. 

Implants feel like natural teeth thanks to the extra stability that you might not even notice they are there. As a result, they don’t feel as secure or natural as implants. Other tooth replacement methods cannot replicate the sensation of dental roots.

Natural look 

Due to advancement in contemporary materials and technology, dental implants feel as natural as they seem. Your personalized prosthesis ensures that your smile appears as beautiful as it does. Your prosthetic tooth is designed to match your natural teeth if they are completely healthy. 

Even dentures appear very natural because of the acrylic gums’ ability to mimic your own gums’ natural color. No one can tell which of your teeth are real and which aren’t if you use crowns, a bridge, or dentures on your implants.

Improves oral health

Dental implants may seem intrusive and frightening, but many dentists view them as a more conservative option for replacing lost teeth. This is so that implants won’t harm the teeth that you already have. Similar to how natural teeth are maintained, implants are held in place by anchoring the jaw. 

Conversely, bridges are maintained by crowning the healthy teeth adjacent to the gap in your mouth. It is never desirable to perform dental treatment on teeth that are otherwise healthy since it might weaken those teeth. Your dental health will be preserved for years if you don’t touch your healthy teeth.

Durable and low maintenance 

Dental implants are quite long-lasting. Your implant will last you a lifetime if you practice good oral care, but due to wear and tear, you will have to replace the implant’s crown about every 15 years. The only care required for dental implants with a crown on top is maintaining a regular oral hygiene practice to ensure they survive as long as possible. This includes seeing your dentist for a routine preventative cleaning at least every six months, brushing your teeth regularly, flossing once a day, and using mouthwash.


Modern dentistry offers a wide range of excellent tooth replacement choices if you’ve lost one or more teeth. Dental implants, however, are one of the greatest treatments available if you qualify for them; they’re adaptable, strong, and function to restore your teeth while preserving your short- and long-term oral health. When properly maintained, they become a lifelong component of your smile, preserving its health and beauty.

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