
What are the key factors to consider when choosing dental crowns?

What are the key factors to consider when choosing dental crowns?

You should fully understand what you agree to when choosing to get a tooth crown in Calgary or other restorative procedures to restore a rotting or fractured tooth. Are there any other operations that can restore my tooth? Is getting a dental crown the best dental care for me? Before visiting a dental clinic to restore your tooth, you may think about the following. These and other queries concerning dental crown treatment will be addressed in this blog.

What is a dental crown?

A damaged tooth may be treated with various dental treatments, depending on the severity of the problem. Here are a few things to consider and go through with your dentist when you go for your initial examination and consultation. 

Occasionally, a dental crown can be used to repair damaged teeth for oral health. A dental filling can occasionally treat tooth decay, but in cases when the decay is extensive, the filling may not be able to sustain the tooth’s structure adequately. It is therefore susceptible to breaking. In this instance, a crown will look more aesthetically acceptable and provide the tooth with the proper support and protection from further harm.

Therefore, crowns are advantageous for teeth that are badly fractured, cracked, or decaying. Crowns are employed in various dental treatments, such as sealing a root canal or dental implant following therapy. In cosmetic dentistry, dental crowns can be useful to cover up stained or irregularly shaped teeth.

The following are the main things to think about and discuss with your dentist before getting crowns.

Dental crown material

Understanding the types of  crown that are accessible to you is essential. Dental crowns come in various materials, including stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic, and gold. 

Different materials offer different advantages for various types of teeth. For your dentist to assist you in selecting the best material for your crowns, you must have an open discussion with them about this.


Every dental crown is made with longevity in mind. But, indeed, some endure longer than others. For instance, dental crowns made of gold, platinum, nickel, and steel survive much longer than any other crown. 

However, their price has been greatly increased as well. Spending extra money on a more lasting material could be worthwhile if you want your crown treatment to be a one-stop shop that you do not have to worry about after the initial instalment.


Everyone aspires to have a lovely smile. Because of this, it’s crucial to select dental crowns that live up to your aesthetic standards. For many, this entails selecting porcelain crowns that look the most like genuine teeth. 

While metal crowns can be hard to differentiate from other types, your gum line may show signs of metal lining. However, this depends on the type of gumline you already possess.


Make sure your crowns genuinely fit your mouth by checking their compatibility. Because each individual is unique, a substance that works for one patient might not work for you. 

Some metal kinds might cause an allergic reaction in you. Base metal alloys are your best option for crowns if you have a serious form of tooth decay. Make plans for a pre-crown examination to see which materials are appropriate for you.

Cost of crowns 

The cost of crowns range in price. The material used to make the crowns has an impact on how much they cost as well. When compared to the other crowns, a few are extravagant. Setting up enough time to review the costs is very important when you have a limited budget. Investing in a sturdy dental crown is sensible, giving little attention to the cost. Strong crowns are astonishingly expensive.

What can you expect from a dental crown appointment?

Typically, a dental crown process requires two sessions. Will obtaining a dental crown hurt? It is a question that patients frequently ask. You’ll most likely receive an anaesthetic from your dentist, just as they would for a tooth filling. Dentists will use several sedative techniques, including intravenous sedation, to ensure that you are completely comfortable throughout the treatment, even if you might suffer some sensitivity afterward.

Your initial consultation: To prepare your tooth for the crown, your dentist will check it, take X-rays of the tooth and the surrounding bone, and clean your teeth. The enamel must be filed down to make room for the crown to be placed on top. The extent of the tooth’s decay or destruction will determine how much of it must be removed. In some circumstances, the patient could require a root canal to lower the possibility of infection, tooth decay, or damage to the nerve or blood vessels in the tooth.

Your dentist will use the paste to imprint the prepared tooth, the adjacent teeth above the crown, and the tooth that will receive the crown. This imprint will ensure that the crown properly fits your bite. The personalised crown is then made in a lab using the imprint. This procedure will take two to three weeks, during which time dentist will provide you with a temporary crown to safeguard your teeth between your initial visit and your follow-up appointment.

The dentist will then remove the temporary crown and replace it with the permanent one. They will ensure that the new crown’s colour, shape, and fit all match before securely cementing it. Again, your dentist could provide an anaesthetic to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.

Aftercare of dental crown

Following the treatment, your aftercare routine for the permanent dental crown begins. You should avoid chewy and sticky meals for the first 24 to 48 hours and any other activity that might cause it to fall out. When the cement has completely cured, you may begin caring for the crown like a normal tooth. 

Typically, there will be some sensitivity in the days following the treatment, but this will subside over the following two weeks. If you continue to have pain after this period that does not seem to be getting better, speak with your dentist. The appropriate painkillers will be supplied for your comfort throughout this healing period.


Finally, those considering a dental crown should select the one that best suits their lifestyle and aesthetic objectives.

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