
What are white spots on your child’s teeth, and how can pediatricians help?

What are white spots on your child's teeth, and how can pediatricians help?

There is typically a loud whoop of delight or a long sigh of relief when the braces are removed. But for many patients, the white spots on the teeth that frequently appear after braces are removed remain a problem. White spots on children’s teeth can appear for various causes, but they typically occur after orthodontic treatment and are caused by bacteria taking vital minerals from the teeth. These spots signify that the enamel is beginning to deteriorate and that a cavity may develop. The good news is that we can now treat white spots and early cavities without needing a drill or a needle, thanks to amazing new technology. Dental care for children in Calgary can treat the white spots of your child’s teeth. 

What are the white spots on your child’s teeth?

When a youngster loses a tooth, the coming of the brand-new tooth is eagerly anticipated. When the parent notices white spots on the freshly emerged tooth, their excitement is occasionally replaced by worry. The white patches on teeth may result from hypoplasia or hypo calcification, disorders that can happen when certain teeth develop. 

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While a tooth may also exhibit yellow or brown discolorations, the defect is typically seen as a white discoloration. The two front teeth and the first permanent molar are the teeth most frequently impacted by hypoplasia or hypo calcification. However, it can affect any tooth in the mouth.

What causes the white spot?

Acidic diet 

Too much acidic food consumption, such as that found in sodas, citrus fruits, and lemonade, can wear down dental enamel and leave white patches on the teeth. Similarly, a diet heavy in sugar can erode tooth enamel because sugar can form acidic plaque. If an acidic diet is the cause of your child’s white spots on their teeth, they could become more sensitive to heat and cold. This is due to the worn-down enamel’s diminished ability to protect the teeth’s nerves from these typical irritants.

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Enamel hypoplasia 

Underdeveloped tooth enamel, or enamel hypoplasia, can appear as white patches on the teeth. Premature birth, starvation, bacterial or viral infections, or damage to a growing mouth are some of the causes of enamel hypoplasia. There is no known reason other than genetics for enamel hypoplasia.


Fluorosis is tooth deterioration and discolouration brought on by excessive fluoride exposure in growing teeth. When a kid eats too much toothpaste when brushing or ingests too many fluoridated liquids, it most often results in fluorosis. Always instruct your youngster to spit during brushing rather than swallow. You nearly never ingest too much-fluoridated water. It is unnecessary to convert to bottled water out of fear of fluorosis.

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Enamel dehydration 

If your child has white spots on their teeth that disappear a few hours after waking up, they could be sleeping with their mouths open. Open-mouth sleepers’ front teeth dry out at night, resulting in transient white patches on the enamel that disappear soon after restoring salivary hydration. You could notice this, especially if your child slept with their lips open due to a congested nose.

Plaque buildup after braces 

Your youngster may find it challenging to keep their teeth completely clean while wearing braces. Because of this, plaque can amass around the brackets, resulting in white patches that are typically only noticeable after the braces are removed. Your dentist can remove these white plaque accumulation patches.

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How to treat white spots on teeth?

White spots on teeth may be treated differently, relying on what caused them in the first place. Therefore we will start with a comprehensive yet sensitive examination to identify the source of the spots. Your dentist will discuss the best course of action with you, along with any potential issues related to the discoloration, such as an elevated risk of decay. 

Treatment may not even be required if the white spots are evident on the infant’s teeth and don’t indicate a problem. However, we can look at cosmetic dental solutions to help cover up and correct the flaws if white spots appear on your child’s permanent teeth. Root Canal Treatment can also treat the same. Preparing your children for their first root canal treatment becomes crucial. 


By enhancing the look of the teeth as a whole, whitening or bleaching the surface of the teeth can help conceal the white spots.

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Microabrasion removes a tiny layer of dental enamel to lessen the appearance of white spots.

Fluoride treatment 

Fluoride treatments may be utilized to strengthen the tooth enamel and eliminate the spots if enamel hypoplasia is the cause of the white spots on your child’s teeth. 

Dental veneers

Dental veneers are small dental jackets that cover the tooth’s surface and cover up flaws like white spots. Veneers are frequently not advised for pediatric children since they are the most expensive white spot treatments.

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Composite resin 

White spots on teeth can be repaired using the same composite resin that dentists use to treat cavities. A dental drill will be used to remove the stained portion of the tooth, and after that, a resin that matches the surrounding teeth will be placed.

How to prevent it?

Use right toothpaste

For toddlers under three, it is important to ensure that just a small amount of toothpaste—about the size of a grain of rice—is applied to the toothbrush. According to caregivers, children older than three must only use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. 

Since young children commonly forget to spit out their toothpaste, using a small amount can help reduce the amount of fluoride they are exposed to. Watch them brush to ensure a child is using the correct toothpaste and not consuming too much.

Check well water

A person should consider having their water tested annually for fluoride levels if their residence is connected to a private well. Due to the potential for significant regional variations in natural fluoride levels, everyone with young children should follow this approach.

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See the dentist once in a while

Anyone worried about their child’s dental health should consult a dentist. White spots on the teeth are often not a reason for concern, although they can be detrimental. However, tooth disease and decay may more likely affect those with enamel hypoplasia. 

If someone feels pain in their teeth or notices that the number or size of the white spots on their teeth is changing, they should schedule an appointment with their dentist. A dentist can evaluate the indications and condition of the teeth and, if necessary, recommend a course of action.

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