
Dentist – A Guide to Getting Dental Crowns for Your Teeth

Calgary Dentist - A Guide to Getting Dental Crowns for Your Teeth

Dental crowns are a type of dental restoration used to improve the appearance and functionality of a tooth that has been damaged or decayed. They are an effective way to strengthen and protect a weakened tooth from further damage. Crowns are also used to replace missing teeth or to improve cosmetic appearance. 

Dental crowns are a common form of dental restoration to repair, strengthen, and improve the appearance of your teeth. They are a popular solution for repairing cracked, chipped, or crooked teeth and can also replace missing teeth or cover teeth that are discoloured or badly stained. Dental crowns can be made from various materials, including metal alloys, porcelain-fused-to-metal, all-ceramic, and composite resin. 

The material used to create your crown will depend on the needs of your dental case. Dental crowns are designed to fit over the visible portion of a damaged or decayed tooth and provide stability while protecting and restoring its original shape, size, and strength. The crown is secured with dental cement and may require several visits to complete the process. After placement, dental crowns can last up to 15 years with proper care and maintenance.

This article will discuss how dental crowns work, who they are suitable for, and what to expect during the process. 

Why is a dental crown recommended?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what a dental crown is and why it’s recommended for some patients. A dental crown is a cap that covers the entire visible surface of the tooth. 

This allows it to restore the affected tooth’s strength, shape, and appearance. Depending on the situation, the dentist may recommend different types of dental crowns — from a metal (for example, gold) to a porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), or all-porcelain crown or even a Zirconia crown. 

In addition to the treatment of extensive damage or decay, dental crowns may also be recommended when large fillings are needed to restore a tooth. The necessary filling material would often weaken the tooth’s structure, making it more susceptible to further damage. 

A crown can support and strengthen the weakened tooth while restoring its appearance. Dental crowns can also be beneficial in cases where misalignment or aesthetic issues are present. For instance, if a person has an uneven or misaligned bite or some teeth may have been eroded or discoloured due to wear, a dental crown may be recommended to improve the alignment and aesthetics. 

Lastly, dental crowns may also be recommended for use in bridge construction. In cases where multiple teeth are missing, a bridge might be recommended to restore and maintain functionality and cosmetics. The bridge will be constructed using two or more dental crowns secured onto neighboring teeth to fill in any gaps left by missing teeth.

Who is suitable for dental crowns?

they are suitable for. Generally speaking, they are recommended for teeth that have been chipped, cracked, or weakened due to decay or if there is a need to replace missing teeth. In addition, dental crowns can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as improving the shape or colour of a tooth that is otherwise healthy.

The time of the procedure

The dental crown procedure can last anywhere from one to three appointments depending on the complexity of the case and the type of material used for the crown. Sometimes, your dentist may recommend a temporary crown while you wait for your permanent one to be made by an outside laboratory. 

At your first appointment, your dentist will take digital x-rays and impressions of your teeth to plan the treatment and properly design your new crown. 

The next step involves preparing your existing tooth by removing decay or weakening structures. Once this is done, your dentist will place a temporary crown over your tooth while you wait for your permanent one to be fabricated by an outside lab. 

At your second appointment, your dentist will remove the temporary crown and check the fit and bite of your new crown. If necessary, adjustments may be made so that it fits correctly. The last step involves bonding your new crown in place with a special dental cement or adhesive. 

Caring for your dental crown

When the care of your new dental crown is important to ensure its longevity and strength over time. Just like you would with natural teeth, it’s important to maintain proper oral hygiene, such as brushing twice daily, flossing daily, and having regular check-up appointments with your dentist in Calgary to monitor its condition over time. 


To conclude, dental crowns effectively restore the strength, shape, and appearance of damaged or decayed teeth or replace missing ones if necessary. It’s important to talk with your dentist about the various materials available for crowns, as each has its advantages and disadvantages. As long as you take proper care of your new dental crown and maintain proper oral hygiene, you can enjoy its benefits for many years!

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