
The Do’s and Don’Ts to Follow While Wearing Braces

The Do’s and Don’Ts to Follow While Wearing Braces

Investing in braces is a commitment, but the results will be well worth it. To ensure a successful outcome, providing your teeth, gums, and braces the care they need to last as long as possible is essential.

The reward of a radiant grin is enough to make an effort worthwhile. When you get braces treatment in Calgary, speak to your dentists about what you should eat and what to avoid if you want your smile to come out naturally. 

This may seem like another thing you or your kid must remember, but it might prevent you from breaking your braces and having to wait even longer to flash your pearly whites.

Do protect your mouth when playing sports

You must use mouth guards and braces protection at all times. Have your dentist fit you with a mouthguard. Brackets and teeth are safeguarded in this manner.

Do gargle after eating

Even though brushing and flossing are cornerstones of good oral hygiene, there are times when you just can’t find the time to accomplish them. Instead, rinse your mouth out with water after eating. It’s not a perfect replacement, but it’s better than doing nothing.

Do brush your teeth after every meal.

Regular tooth brushing is an essential component of routine health care. When you wear braces, you have to make it a part of your daily life. The wires and brackets of braces generate microscopic crevices that may collect food particles and offer a breeding ground for germs. It is more vital than ever to maintain good oral hygiene. 

Removing food particles quickly prevents plaque from wearing down your teeth and gums. Additionally, it prevents tooth discoloration, tooth decay, and gum disease.

After your braces have been removed, it is important to take extra care to wash your teeth carefully to prevent any dental issues from developing. If you wear braces, you should clean your teeth after every meal and the normal twice-daily routine. A toothbrush with soft bristles is recommended to protect the wires from being bent or broken.

Do floss daily

When wearing braces, flossing is more crucial than ever. Removing food debris and germs between teeth is essential to your dental care practice. Gently work the floss under your braces, from tooth to tooth. It is worth investing in a floss threader.

Then, gently move the floss back and forth between the teeth and the braces and between the teeth and the gums. This should eliminate any last bits of dirt a toothbrush might not have caught.

DO NOT Eat Certain Foods

Avoid foods that are sticky or chewy; this eliminates many sweets. Avoid foods that have caramel or a gummy feel. No chewing gum, ever!

It’s best to keep your thin wires safe from hard candies and nuts.

Braces are easily damaged by hard, crunchy foods like apples, carrots, and corn on the cob. Any stray metal may cause serious injury. Foods like applesauce, steamed carrots, and kerneled corn may be suitable substitutes.

Say not to savory crunchies. Popcorn, for example, should be avoided at all costs if you’re wearing braces. You should stay away from it and other crunchy foods like chips and ice.

DO NOT Use Your Teeth for Objects 

It’s perplexing that many individuals, even when wearing braces, feel the need to utilize their teeth as a tool. Whether you have braces or not, do not use your teeth to open bottles, rip up bags, bend cables, hold something, or perform anything other than eat.

DO NOT Forget Your Routines

When you wear braces, you have to pay a little more attention to how you eat, drink, and talk in the case of elastic bands used to increase jaw movement, for instance, removing them before eating.

DO NOT Touch the Elastic Bands

Although the elastic bands in your braces might be a pain at times, they are essential to correcting the position of your teeth. Interfering with these bands may slow the realignment process, cause damage to your braces, and even cause you to bite your tongue or cheek.

DO NOT play wind instrument immediately after getting braces

As a rule, wearing braces won’t hinder your playing skills if you’re a musician who plays a wind instrument. Still, you must wait until your mouth has had a chance to become used to the change. Pain is common while learning to play a wind instrument after getting new braces. You may prevent this by waiting a few days or weeks before starting to play.

Keep in mind that your tongue, lips, and teeth will be in a slightly different position when you pick up your instrument again. There will be a decline in your performance, but with work, patience, and certain adjustments, you can go back to your old level.

Do Not Grind Your Teeth

Over a third of the population suffers from teeth grinding, also called bruxism. For most individuals, this is a normal stress reaction, and the only way to remedy the situation is to lessen the source of the stress in the first place. Wearing a nightguard while you sleep is one strategy for addressing bruxism. An orthodontic specialist may custom-make a night guard to protect your teeth and orthodontic appliances while you sleep.


Some problems with the teeth and mouth may be fixed with braces. Feel free to reach out to our dentists in Calgary and discuss any questions regarding caring for your braces or want to schedule an appointment to have your first set of braces fitted. 
If you’re concerned about your teeth and gums, we may schedule a consultation with a dentist to review your choices. They will help you understand the working mechanism of braces so you can make the right choices in your daily routine.

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