
Your Smile & Your Health: The Connection You Might Not Know About

Many people only see a dentist when something hurts. But the truth is, your oral health mirrors your overall well-being. From missing teeth to seemingly cosmetic concerns, there is often far more going on than meets the eye. If you’ve been putting off dental treatment, it’s time to look at what it can do for you […]

Your Active Calgary Lifestyle: Keeping Your Smile in Top Form

Calgary is a city of outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and those who embrace a busy, on-the-go lifestyle. However, the same activities and stresses that benefit our bodies can sometimes take a hidden toll on our smiles. Let’s dive into how to protect your teeth and gums while enjoying all that Calgary offers. Athletes: Mouthguards Aren’t Just […]

The Microbiome of Your Mouth: Understanding Oral Bacteria’s Role from a Dentist

The Microbiome of Your Mouth: Understanding Oral Bacteria's Role from a Dentist in Calgary

The oral cavity is considered as the gateway to the body. It is a dynamic ecosystem teeming with diverse microorganisms. Every niche harbors a unique subset of microbial inhabitants, from the intricate papillae on the tongue to the sulcus depths of the gums.  Our understanding of oral bacteria’s role in health and disease has expanded […]

The Role of Nutrition in Fostering Excellent Oral Health in Children

The Role of Nutrition in Fostering Excellent Oral Health in Children

Good oral health is crucial for children’s overall well-being and development. While regular brushing and dental check-ups play a significant role in maintaining oral hygiene, nutrition also plays a vital part in fostering excellent oral health in children.  A balanced diet that includes essential nutrients is essential for properly developing teeth and gums and preventing […]

Major reasons for tooth decay and how you should avoid it

Major reasons for tooth decay and how you should avoid it. Learn from Dental Clinic in Calgary

Your teeth can become damaged by tooth decay, which has the potential to cause cavities, dental abscesses, or even tooth loss. It is brought on by specific bacterial species that can reside in tooth plaque. Defining tooth decay  Damage to your tooth’s enamel surface is known as tooth decay. It occurs when oral bacteria produce […]

How to straighten crooked teeth?

How to straighten crooked teeth at Dental Clinic Calgary

In addition to being ugly, having crooked teeth may have a serious negative impact on your dental health. For example, it might interfere with something so simple as biting down on food. Future harm is unavoidable if you start to bite and chew incorrectly due to the misalignment of your teeth. You are also more […]

Everything you need to know about dental floss for oral hygiene

Everything you need to know about dental floss for oral hygiene

Patients are often quizzed by their dentists about their oral hygiene routines, such as how frequently they floss. Most individuals say that cleaning their teeth is something they do regularly, but many people neglect flossing.  Tooth decay may be caused by foods that weaken the enamel and, in worst cases, you would need tooth extraction […]

What are the best habits follow and avoid when experiencing a tooth decay

The best habits follow and avoid when experiencing a tooth decay

The most common non-communicable disease globally is dental caries (also known as tooth decay or dental cavities). Severe dental caries hurt the overall health and frequently cause pain and infection, which may necessitate tooth extraction. Dental caries affect everyone, but children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable. Nearly half of the world’s population suffers from dental […]

How to Get a Smile Makeover?

How to Get a Smile Makeover?

Your smile is more important than anything you wear. Whether you’re at work engaging with co-workers or having fun at social gatherings, a genuine smile may lift your spirits, ease your inhibitions, and give you an air of self-assurance. Surveys suggest that over 40% of adults are dissatisfied with their smile and want to change […]