
Your Smile & Your Health: The Connection You Might Not Know About

Many people only see a dentist when something hurts. But the truth is, your oral health mirrors your overall well-being. From missing teeth to seemingly cosmetic concerns, there is often far more going on than meets the eye. If you’ve been putting off dental treatment, it’s time to look at what it can do for you […]

Unlock A Healthier Smile & A Healthier You: Specialty Dental Services in Calgary

A trip to the dentist might conjure up images of cleanings and X-rays. But did you know that modern dental offers solutions for a surprising range of problems? For instance, if you’re experiencing nagging jaw pain, a modern dentistry solution could be a custom nightguard. This device is designed to bring you relief and comfort […]

Your Active Calgary Lifestyle: Keeping Your Smile in Top Form

Calgary is a city of outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and those who embrace a busy, on-the-go lifestyle. However, the same activities and stresses that benefit our bodies can sometimes take a hidden toll on our smiles. Let’s dive into how to protect your teeth and gums while enjoying all that Calgary offers. Athletes: Mouthguards Aren’t Just […]

Blog: Gum Disease: The Silent Enemy of Healthy Smiles

Gum Disease treatment

Did you know gum disease is one of the most common health conditions worldwide? Many people with gum disease don’t even realize they have it, especially in its early stages. Left untreated, this infection can destroy the very foundation of your smile – leading to tooth loss – and even put your overall health at […]

10 Steps to Cure Bad Breath Effectively

From Dentist: 10 Steps to Cure Bad Breath Effectively

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is a common problem that can cause significant discomfort and social embarrassment. Many people face it at some point, and its impact goes beyond oral health. Bad breath can be a major social deterrent, affecting personal and professional interactions. While occasional bad breath might result from something you ate, […]

Calgary Dentists – 20 Fun Dental Facts to Make You Smile

Dentists in Calgary - 20 Fun Dental Facts to Make You Smile

Dentistry is often associated with dental drills, fillings, and those dreaded bi-annual visits. But what if we told you there’s a lighter side to everything? That’s right, dentistry is brimming with amusing tidbits that can genuinely make you grin.  So, if you’re a trivia enthusiast or just someone looking to impress at the next social […]

6 Psychological Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry That Are Beyond Aesthetics

6 Psychological Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry That Are Beyond Aesthetics

There’s much more to cosmetic dentistry than just jazzing up your smile. Sure, it’s famous for making your grin gleam, but it’s also got a bunch of hidden perks that can boost your morale.  It can give you a big confidence boost and melt away some stress – it’s like a bridge from feeling good […]

How Can Seniors Citizens Take Care of Their Dental Health?

How Can Seniors Citizens Take Care of Their Dental Health? Tips from The Port Dental Calgary

The elderly population has special challenges when it comes to dental care. The ageing process, a lack of dental insurance, and a decline in self-care all contribute to poor oral health in the elderly, which can lead to a variety of complications. Age-related alterations in the main salivary glands include atrophy of acinar tissue, proliferation […]

Stay aware of these symptoms of periodontal gum disease

Stay aware of these symptoms of periodontal gum disease

It’s simple to overlook the crucial role that our gums play while concentrating on our oral health. However, if you have advanced periodontitis, you are probably painfully aware right now—possibly for the first time—of how important your gum health is. We know that it is an extremely worrying condition to be in, particularly if you […]