
Your Smile & Your Health: The Connection You Might Not Know About

Many people only see a dentist when something hurts. But the truth is, your oral health mirrors your overall well-being. From missing teeth to seemingly cosmetic concerns, there is often far more going on than meets the eye. If you’ve been putting off dental treatment, it’s time to look at what it can do for you […]

Unlock A Healthier Smile & A Healthier You: Specialty Dental Services in Calgary

A trip to the dentist might conjure up images of cleanings and X-rays. But did you know that modern dental offers solutions for a surprising range of problems? For instance, if you’re experiencing nagging jaw pain, a modern dentistry solution could be a custom nightguard. This device is designed to bring you relief and comfort […]

Your Active Calgary Lifestyle: Keeping Your Smile in Top Form

Calgary is a city of outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and those who embrace a busy, on-the-go lifestyle. However, the same activities and stresses that benefit our bodies can sometimes take a hidden toll on our smiles. Let’s dive into how to protect your teeth and gums while enjoying all that Calgary offers. Athletes: Mouthguards Aren’t Just […]

Common Questions About Braces Answered – A Kid’s Perspective

Common Questions About Braces

If you are going for orthodontic treatment in Calgary, chances are you are on a ride to get braces. The field is wide but today we will be focusing on answering some questions only about braces. This article has been curated from a kid’s perspective, which means that the questions discussed in the article are […]

What Is Root Canal Recovery Time?

Root canal recovery time

You must have heard a lot about root canal out of all the dental procedures. People may have defined their experiences as painful and/or scary. To break the myth, the root canal is not a painful process anymore. Many aspects of the procedure, including root canal recovery time, have changed over the years. The dental […]

Invisalign Braces: Advantages And Disadvantages

Invisalign Braces

Metal braces give everyone a hard time. Children feel shy to laugh at school, adults speak less among their social circle, and teenagers avoid their gatherings. However, with Invisalign braces, every such issue goes away. An invisalign dental brace is a perfect option that one can go for if he or she does not want […]

What Are The Factors Affecting The Cost Of Dental Implants?

cost of dental implants

Dental implants serve as an ideal option to replace lost or damaged teeth. While they may sound complex, dental implant treatments provide results that look and feel just as a natural tooth would. A dentist implanted a small metal implant into your jawbone to support your teeth. You can get dental implants in Calgary that […]